The Magic Donut caters to druggies.
Fargo, ND – Entrepreneur Jami Hendrix is opening a new doughnut shop in Downtown Fargo.
The unique thing about this donut shoppe is that it will be created with people on drugs in mind.
Jami Hendrix: “Rather than deny we hava drug problem in Fargo, why not accept it and then cater to it?”
She is calling her new biz simply The Magic Donut.
Ms. Hendrix: “We want to heighten people’s donut experience. We can do this with special music and lighting, cool interactivities, along with the general design and layout of the space.”
Besides having wonderful donuts at The Magic Donut, Jami is planning on having:
1. Jimi Hendrix music playing backwards.
2. Highly interactive donut areas.
3. Booths that keep changing shape, like Oprah.
4. Movies playing such as Trainspotting and Blow.
Question: What is the slogan of this new Magic Donut you may ask?
Answer: “Donut chew wanna donut?” and “We have very high standards!”