The newest Hawaiian island to be named Zaui.
Honolulu, Hawaii – As if it didn’t already have enough beautiful paradise islands, the state of Hawaii has overwhelmingly voted to add another inhabitable island to its current list of seven.
The new island is going to be called Zaui and will include “the best of the best” from each of the other islands.
Hawaii’s governor God Kane describes the new Zaui like this:
“What we’ll be creating will be very special, and very eclectic. Visitors to Zaui will actually feel the eclectricty as soon as they walk up onto Zaui’s perfect beaches. All the flora and fauna will be hand selected to maximize the perfectness that Zaui will offer to its guests.”
Here then is an updated list of the main Hawaiian Islands along with their nicknames and a brief description:
1. Hawaii (Big Daddy): Hawaii is the largest Hawaiian island and still growing. It’s also home to Hot Lava National Park.
2. Maui (The Most Hawaiian Island): Up until Zaui, Maui was always everyone’s favorite.
3. Oahu (Capitol Island): The place to go jewelry shopping because of Pearl Harbor and Diamond Head.
4. Kauai (Todd Rundgren Island): The home of a musical genius who likes to bang on his drum all day.
5. Molokai (Leprosy Island): Not a real major hot spot but a good place to get away from it all.
6. Lanai (Porch Island): Where every resident’s home has an authentic Hawaiian veranda on which they can bang on their drum all day.
7. Niihau (The Native Island): It is strictly forbidden to go here unless you know the secret password, or are a direct descendant of God Kane.
8. Zaui (The Eclectic Island): This will be the most perfect island of all the Hawaiian Islands. To beat the rush, call your travel agent today to book a week or month. Make sure to mention that you want to go to Zaui, with a Z.