Consider your mind to be the final frontier of endless possibilities.
West Fargo, ND – Have you been thinking that up until now you have not been using the full power of your mind?
Do you sometimes wonder how much brain power is actually under the hood of your head?
The FM Observer is proud to announce that our dear friend Dr. Madison Pennix will be hosting some powerful and life–changing Mind Expansion Seminars in the FM area.
All subjects related to thinking, memory, logic, intuition, and cognition will be discussed in serious talks sprinkled with levity and personal anecdotes.
Please stop by our corporate headquarters to sign up for these free Mind Expansion Seminars but we do ask for a voluntary mandatory donation of $500 to help provide seminar leaders and special guests with enough food and drink to make them feel like rock stars during their time here.
Ironically, all the letters in Madison Pennix can be re-arranged to spell: Mind Expansion!