Tag Archives: zingers

FMO’s 1st Annual Snackathon Eating Contest

FMO's 1st Annual Snackathon Eating Contest

FMO’s 1st Annual Snackathon Eating Contest

West Fargo, ND – Your FM Observer is proud to be teaming up with the Hostess Snack Corporation to bring you our First Annual Snackathon Eating Contest!

Everyone is invited to join in with our First Annual Snackathon Eating Contest.

Here are some of the exciting details of our First Annual Snackathon Eating Contest:

  • In the comfort of your own home, see how many Hostess snacks you can consume in any 24-hour period.
  • Keep track of how many Ding Dongs, Twinkies, Zingers, and Chocodiles you can successfully consume without ever purging.
  • This contest is based on the Honor System however please keep all snack wrappers for possible verificational purposes.
  • Please record your beginning weight and also your ending weight at the conclusion of your chosen 24-hour period.
  • Email the FMObserver@Gmail.com all of your final numbers: Total number of each type of snack consumed along with your beginning and ending weights.
  • Prizes shall be awarded for the most Hostess snacks consumed.
  • First Prize will be a trip to Grand Forks during a blizzard.
  • Second Prize will be two trips to Grand Forks during a blizzard.
How many Ding Dongs, Twinkies, Zingers, and Chocodiles can you eat in a 24-hour period?

How many Ding Dongs, Twinkies, Zingers, and Chocodiles can you eat in a 24-hour period?