amanda bynes clown wig ghost

Amanda Bynes Is A Ghost

The Amanda Bynes meltdown is going just as expected.  She has reportedly been moved Los Angeles psychiatric center that previously treated Brittney Spears.  She is following previous celebrities footsteps just wonderfully.

Below she can be seen leaving the Hillmont Psychiatric Center Hospital dressed as a ghost with a blue clown wig.  The thought was that the ghost costume would confuse the paparazzi as ghosts are invisible most of the time.  The blue clown wig kind of  gives it away though.

amanda bynes clown wig ghost

I’m a ghost!


We will continue to follow this celebrities meltdown just as long as she doesn’t keep dressing as a ghost.

We can’t report on things we can’t see.

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Bill grew up in one of the largest cities in the United States, Maza, North Dakota. Being a cow milker by trade, it was only after stroking thousands upon thousands of cow nipples was he able to save up enough money and move to Fargo, ND. It was here that he joined FM Observer. In his free time he enjoys carving rocking horses out of wood, healing the sick, and running marathons across oceans.