Daycare Breakin at Fraser Limited in Fargo, ND

Fargo Daycare Burglar Arrested


Fargo, ND –  Shawn Baker 26, was charged with a felony burglary today after being accused of breaking into Fraser Limited at 2901 S. University Dr.  After a short police interrogation, it became known that Beaterton had broken into the daycare because of a weird dirty diaper fetish or diperotica.  Beaterton allegedly likes to collect dirty diapers, sniff them, and store them around his house.  Pee-yeew to you Beaterton!

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Bill grew up in one of the largest cities in the United States, Maza, North Dakota. Being a cow milker by trade, it was only after stroking thousands upon thousands of cow nipples was he able to save up enough money and move to Fargo, ND. It was here that he joined FM Observer. In his free time he enjoys carving rocking horses out of wood, healing the sick, and running marathons across oceans.
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About Bill Burns

Bill grew up in one of the largest cities in the United States, Maza, North Dakota. Being a cow milker by trade, it was only after stroking thousands upon thousands of cow nipples was he able to save up enough money and move to Fargo, ND. It was here that he joined FM Observer. In his free time he enjoys carving rocking horses out of wood, healing the sick, and running marathons across oceans.