Fargo Student Has Seriously Woke Minecraft

Woke AF

Fargo, ND – One Fargo student has taken his Minecraft building talent to surreal levels. Geil Carmeister, 12, has caught the attention of friends, teachers, and the FM Observer with his uncanny ability to depict real life situations, especially geopolitical ones, using the computer-generated world simulation game Minecraft.

Geil is as woke or woker than your typical 6th-grader.

We’re gonna Minecraft a wall.

“This huge man is the President. This bush is the media. Watch.” His Minecraft screen then portrayed the huge man lighting the bush on fire and as it did so, the bush went away as the huge man grew larger in stature.

“This is the wall. The wall keeps out people,” he explained. “No one new can get over it.”

His parents express a limited amount of concern. “Geil is so lit! I wasn’t nearly as lit at that age,” says his father Burg. “I guess we’re mostly glad he’s paying attention. Mostly.”

Geil’s extremely dialed-in worldview is “just a passing phase” and is something he will “grow out of, unless he becomes a hipster” according to his mother Vanta, who chose to remain anonymous.

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