Tag Archives: heart

Free Personalized Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas


There are infinite ways to say I Love You.

Valentine, Nebraska – With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, the mad scramble is on to buy prickly thorned roses and chocolate covered teddy bears for all the lovely sweethearts.

Others are desperately seeking alternative gift ideas to show their love and affection, such as a gift certificate to Victor’s Secrets, or a year-long membership to a shooting range, or a Hearts-On-Fire blood diamond.

The FM Observer has an idea for a fun and creative present for your Valentine.

At the Acme.com Heart Maker website, you can make Valentine heart candies with whatever personalized message you want on them.

Once you’ve created your messaged candy in whatever color combination you want, then right-click, save it, and send it to your Valentine.

Heart Maker

The Acme.com website also has a license plate maker website for an additional creative way to express your love.

Happy Valentine’s Day from the FM Observer. And remember, every day should be Valentine’s Day!

License Maker


The FM Observer wishes you and yours a very nice VD!

North Dakota Milk Children

Milk for Children Approved

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In a stunning turn of events, the ND Legislature approved milk for  under-served children at milk break.

“Initially we felt these children were just out of luck, and they could just have water if their parents can’t afford milk” commented a Representative. “With a billion dollar surplus we felt budget allocations were best served in other important areas such as oil and infrastructure.

These concepts are the future. Although these remain our top priorities, we felt it was in the best interest of our hearts for these kids to have milk,” said another Representative.

Yes folks, not only did the Grinch’s heart grow two sizes so did those of the ND Legislature.