I was dressed as a pumpkin.
Fargo, ND – Jeana Marie Smart, a Horace woman, was recently charged with felony drug possession for having a broken meth pipe in her vagina.
The story is so bizarre we had to get an interview and an explanation. There are always two sides to a story so today I had the chance to speak with Jeana in her jail cell.
You may see my interview in its entirety below.
Bill: Jeana, first, how is your vagina doing?
Jeana: It’s doing great. I wiped the blood up and gave it a good wash. Really got in there this time.
Bill: So no more pieces of meth pipe in the vag?
Jeana: None. At least I think I got all of it.
Bill: So, everyone wants to know. Why did you have a broken meth pipe hidden in your piss flaps?
Jeana: Well the funny thing is, on Halloween, I dressed as a pumpkin on meth. You can tell by my hair. I was at a party and you know how those go. Next thing you know I have a meth pipe in my meat wallet. I got so drunk that night that I TOTALLY FORGOT about it. That is, until the police found it.
Bill: Did you say you’re sorry to your muff? It must have been quite a traumatic experience for it, don’t you think?
Jeana: Oh yea. I’ve apologized over and over again to it. It’s still ignoring me a little bit but it’s opening up to me slowly. I just need to give it time.
Bill: Alright Jeana. Thank you so much for you time. Just my advice but try not to stick anything else up there ok? It needs it’s space.
So there you go. I was able to answer all your questions. This story is no longer a mystery. Somehow a meth pipe got put into her vagina on Halloween and she simply forgot about it. Her defense is most likely to use this story.