Tag Archives: signs

It’s No Longer OK To Say OK

OK is no longer politically correct.

Kinderhook, NY – Saying OK is no longer considered to be politically correct according to the PC Police.

Because “OK” was made popular back when Martin Van Buren was running for president under the nickname Old Kinderhook, “OK” has now been deemed to invoke negative historic cultural domination by white males.

The recent outbreak of signs at Concordia College in Moorhead, MN was an example of hate because the phrase It’s OK To Be White included “OK” which is a tip of the hat to white male power thanks to President Martin Van Buren, or Old Kinderhook.

PC Police suggest using “fine”, “all right”, or “kosher” in place of OK.

If the signs put up on the Concordia College campus had read: “It’s fine to be white”, or “It’s all right to be white”, or “Being white is kosher”, then those would have been OK.

FMObserver To Purchase City Of Fargo For Undisclosed Number Of Bitcoins

FMO in talks to purchase City of Fargo

West Fargo, ND – The FM Observer is in consideration talks to purchase the entire City of Fargo.

Our top-notch negotiators have been assiduously working on securing a mutually beneficial deal with the City of Fargo.

Since it is so difficult to ascertain an accurate dollar value of the City of Fargo, an overall appraisal is trying to be calculated in bitcoins.

Once the bitcoin value has been determined and agreed upon, negotiations will then proceed until both parties see eye-to-eye and ceremonially shake hands.

After the FM Observer has taken over full ownership of Fargo, things will seamlessly move forward without any noticeable changes for those who live here except perhaps all the new signage indicating that Fargo, along with everyone and everything in it, will now be owned and operated by the FM Observer.

Top Ten Signs 2018 Might Be A Bad Year For You

And you thought 2017 was bad!

And you thought 2017 was bad!

Badlands, ND – Even though 2018 could be a very good year, here are some indications that 2018 might not be so great for you:

10. You wake up with a hangover on January 1st to the sound of jail doors slamming shut.

9. You slowly figure out that that very last text you sent last night to your BFF affectionately saying “Happy Fucking New Year!” somehow got sent to everyone in your contact list.

8. You dream you’ve been hacked only to wake up to realize that everything you own has been encrypted.

7. You take your little Shih-Tzu for a walk and realize it’s not your little Shih-Tzu.

6. You see a murder of crows quietly sitting on your deck railing, each with a sign around their necks saying “You’re Next.”

5. A large cash-on-delivery package arrives at your front door and the guy is asking for $1,480 for what’s inside Box #1!

4. After a nice, long, phone conversation with your parents, you remember they both passed away back in the 90s.

3. You see a security camera picture of yourself on the local evening news asking to immediately call the police if you see this very dangerous armed person.

2. You take your entire family to see Star Wars and realize too late you’ve mistakenly gone to see Star Whores.

1. Algore now believes we are at the start of a 10,000-year Ice Age!