Tag Archives: sponge pudding

Nothing Says ‘I Like You’ Like Butterscotch Pudding

Butterscotch pudding is a hug-in-a-box.

Pudding Creek, CA Are you trying to figure out what to serve during the holidays?

Do you want your family and guests to feel like they’re one of Santa’s elves?

Serving butterscotch pudding has been scientifically proven to say friend and Christmas more than any other substance South of the North Pole.

Plus, Santa and his elves eat butterscotch pudding every day, thanks to Mrs. Santa!

Under the tree, butterscotch pudding makes the perfect stocking stuffer, OR someone’s final, big present of the eve.

On the Christmas dinner table, it’s the ultimate dessert, OR have butterscotch pudding for your main entrĂ©e, just like Santa!

Sponge Pudding Shortage Threatens Some Local Family Traditions

Heinz Spotted Dick Sponge Pudding is a Christmas tradition for many Fargo families.

Fargo, ND – If you’re having a hard time trying to find some Heinz Spotted Dick Sponge Pudding for Christmas, you are not alone.

Many families in the Fargo area share the same holiday tradition of eating Spotted Dick Sponge Pudding on Christmas Eve.

Anastasia Fritzi’s family has had the Heinz Spotted Dick Sponge Pudding for five generations, going all the way back to their motherland of Prussia.

“What the hell are we going to do if we can’t find any Spotted Dick before Christmas?” she asks, as her family looks like they’re about to cry and freak out simultaneously.

We have learned that a special Sponge Pudding Support Group is forming to help families just like the freaking Fritzis.

In the meantime, Sponge Pudding grief counselors are encouraging their clients to possibly start to consider a new Christmas tradition, such as: making eggnog milkshakes, have a talent show, go pajama caroling, adopt-a-pet, hiding of presents, volunteering at a soup kitchen, snow fort building, or just an old-fashioned family food fight!