Tag Archives: bacon

Young Pigs Express Concern Upon Learning Where Bacon Comes From

Makin' Bacon

Makin’ Bacon?

Swineford, Pennsylvania – The Pork Industry Group (PIG) says that pigs all across this great nation are planning protest marches to raise awareness for violence against pigs.

After seeing a government video depicting where bacon comes from, a number of young pigs began to raise some concerns about their future safety as pigs.

The video was the wonderful brainchild of Michelle Obama who believes that any animals raised for meat should have the right to see a video that clearly shows exactly from where that meat comes.

Peter Porker is the spokespig for the PIG group. He believes that “there is a national anti-pig attitude toward pigs that is putting pigs in an unsafe environment to be who they are and express their true inner pigness.”

Watch for updates on this tantalizing story as pigs all across the nation are organizing pig parades so people can pledge their support for the plight of the piggy porkers.

One tangible thing that you can do to show you care more than others about this issue is to wear a ribbon made out of a piece of bacon anytime you go to a grocery store. Peter says: “Thank You and Help SaveĀ Us Pigs!”