Tag Archives: breakfast

North Dakota First State To Make Church Attendance Mandatory

Sunday church attendance is now mandatory in North Dakota just like Obamacare made buying health insurance mandatory.

Bismarck, ND – The North Dakota legislature has now made attending church on Sunday required by law.

The bill which passed unanimously will also give a 10% tithe from each church’s offering plates to the state as a thank you kickback for requiring every North Dakota citizen to attend church each and every week.

“We believe this is what the people who sent us here want, and also what God wanted when she said ‘Thou shalt attend church on Sunday’ in that famous speech on the mountain,” says Lester Walstrum from Zap, who co-sponsored the landmark legislation.

This new law goes into effect today so if you’re a North Dakota resident, you might want to change your plans of going fishing or having family breakfast at Denny’s until after you’ve done your due diligence and attended church and also put your voluntary mandatory offering in the offering plate, so help you God.

New Family Restaurant Offers All-You-Can-Eat Pancakes

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Eat more than 20 pancakes and your breakfast is FREE!

Fargo, ND – If you’re super hungry for a great breakfast, go to Hotcakes!

The newest family restaurant in the FM area specializes in breakfast – all day long.

At ridiculously reasonable prices, they offer large glasses of fresh-squeezed Florida orange juice, 100% organic country pork sausage, just-laid eggs from healthy chickens, all-you-can-eat light & fluffy buttermilk pancakes, and maple syrup just tapped from a tree and flown in from Vermont by drones.

As a special offer, if you can eat more than 20 pancakes, your entire breakfast is FREE!

If you can eat more than 30 pancakes, you’re invited to sign up for fabulous monthly prizes which include: Ca$H, a new golf cart, a trip to Grand Forks, and a baby elephant named Dumbo.

If you’re looking for the best breakfast in town and you’re hungry enough to eat a horse, go to Hotcakes!