Tag Archives: barking

New Programmable Robot Kicks Dogs Whenever They Bark

The new Bark-bot programmable robot will stop any dog in your neighborhood from excessive barking.

West Fargo, ND – Do you have a daily problem with your dog or a neighbor’s dog barking too much?

Well, they finally have made a robot that does something worthwhile!

The new Bark-bot model X300 is specifically designed to kick a dog each and every time it barks.

Bark-bot delivers a powerful kick which you can adjust depending on the size of the dog.

Or, if put on auto-mode, Bark-bot will determine how hard to kick a dog based on its size and the loudness of the bark.

Jevon Gladstone says his little chronic barking Shih Tzu doesn’t bark anymore after getting kicked halfway across the room a few times by his Bark-bot X300.

FMObserver Staff Personally Testing All Of The Various Dog Shock Collars

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We personally test each dog shock collar just for you.

West Fargo, ND – In our successful effort to be the best website on the Internet, each of our dedicated staff members has been personally testing all of the different dog shock collars on the market today.

We know that many of our faithful readers are or soon will be in the market for a shock collar for either their own canines or perhaps for a neighbor’s pooch, by way of a friendly backyard suggestion.

Shock collars, if used properly, have been shown to completely transform an attacking Bob Barker into a helpful Mahatma Gandhi.

After personally testing hundreds of shock collars, our staff recommends the Bow Wow 2000 to be the best of the best.

The Bow Wow 2000 by the Stop-It Corporation, directs a friendly nano-second two-volt pulse of electricity to its client’s neck via a stylish battery-powered collar controllable by either a convenient remote control, your smartphone, or the collar itself.

For an even bigger job, our entire staff suggests going with the Bow Wow 3000!

Art Show To Help Dog Owners Buy More Dog Food For More Dogs

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“Dog Food Factory” by Amsterdam Douglass

West Fargo, ND – The FM Observer will soon be hosting an art sale to help assist pet owners who cannot afford to buy food for their ever-hungry pets.

FMO Staff artist Amsterdam Douglass has donated his famous “Dog Food Factory” painting to get the ball rolling. Hopefully other area artists will jump on board once they see the benefit of helping people feed their dogs so that we can perhaps increase the overall pet population in our area.

Jerry Mumbo, Executive Director of Feed Animals Today (FAT) believes it’s good to increase people’s dependency on supplemental sources of incomes.

“By helping low-income dog owners purchase dog food for their little Shih-Tzus, this might encourage these people to eventually add a dog or two to their pack thus increasing their need for further assistance.” says Jerry.

Mr. Mumbo: “I’m sure everyone agrees it’s a real win/win situation: Hungry dogs get fed. Dog owners have more money to spend on beer and cigarettes. The assistance program creates good-paying jobs, like mine. And finally, neighborhoods throughout our area will end up with more and more dogs to shit in our yards and bark during our sleep.”

If you would like to help, dial any random phone number and tell whomever answers that you love dogs, especially when they’re untrained and off-leash.