Tag Archives: mentor

FM Observer’s Long-Time Mentor Dies At The Very End Of His Life

Bernard Idiovance was an early television pioneer probably best known for inventing satirical fake news.

Eastern West Fargo, ND – Bernard Idiovance, who was very instrumental in encouraging the founders of the FM Observer to begin such an undertaking, is now in the hands of the undertakers.

Dear Bernard was not only a mentor to all of us, but also a life coach and a rather strict disciplinarian keeping us in line and on time.

Mr. Idiovance died suddenly in his sleep while having a dream in which he was falling, that was going just fine…until he hit finally the ground.

Bernard Idiovance is probably best known for inventing satirical fake news and therefore launching us in the direction we now still find ourselves headed.

Bidi (as we sometimes called him) was preceded in death by his dog…and Bingo was his name.

During our final visit to see Bernard, his last words to us were: “Now, do I know you folks?”

FM Observer Is Upping Our Volume And Encouraging Our Readers To Up Yours

Learn how to up the volume in your life!

Fargone, ND – Our very own Dr. Lout Vue-Hemp will be mentoring a master workshop on how to up the volume of your life.

Dr. Lout Vue-Hemp is highly respected in many regions of our region for being the most respected expert on this timely topic.

Lout wishes to share his lifetime of lessons learned on upping the volume of positive experiential life happenings even when things are seemingly seeming to wind down a bit.

If you would like a chance to win free tickets to this incredible workshop, please send $25 to our FMO headquarters and also include a paragraph about the good and bad in your life.

Dr. Lout Vue-Hemp guarantees that after attending his valuable sessions, your life will never be the same.

Expectedly, all the letters in Lout Vue-Hemp can be mentored to spell: Up The Volume!

Wanting To Collect And Store Everything In Cardboard Boxes Is A Sign Of Superior Intelligence

Smart people collect cardboard boxes.

Brainerd, MN – Recent scientific studies show that people who are wanting to collect cardboard boxes in order to store all their belongings in such an organized fashion is a sign of a much higher intellect.

Dr. Debra Brosco-Dax who headed up these studies says that “our findings indicate that wanting to organize things in a collection of boxes is duplicating how intelligent brains organize massive amounts of information in one’s brain.”

The bottom-line take-away of Dr. Brosco-Dax’s research is:

If you are a person who likes to collect cardboard boxes and subsequently use them to store all your personal items, continue to do so knowing full well that you are amongst the smartest people in your community.

If saving cardboard boxes and eventually using them to get all your things organized is not your cup of tea, consider starting to follow in the footsteps of those who do, so as to at least give the outward appearance that you possess a high IQ.

If there is someone at your workplace who is constantly wanting to save boxes, begin to think of this person as one of the smarter ones in your group, and possibly ask that person to mentor you so that you can begin to follow them down the path of wisdom.

Ironically, all the letters in Debra Brosco-Dax can be re-organized to spell: Cardboard Boxes!