Tag Archives: vector control

Controlled Burn That Got Out Of Control Now 50% Contained

“Controlled Burn” that suddenly became an uncontrolled burn is now only about 50% contained.

Burnstad, ND – Highly trained governmental environmental workers trying to do a controlled burn helplessly watched it suddenly get out of control when winds began to gust up out of nowhere.

“Yeah, no, what began as our controlled burn, ah, quickly changed over to what we call an uncontrolled burn,” reports Luton Crofoot, who lit the original fire with a casual flick of his cigarette butt.

Luton added: “Maybe we should’ve paid better attention to thee, ah, windcast for the time period in which we planned to stage our, ah, controlled burn.”

Fire containment experts on the scene estimated that the out-of-control controlled burn is now approximately 50% contained.

However, they do admit that the 50% that is not contained is 100% out of control as environmental workers try to set additional back fires which are also getting out of control thanks to the wind.

Ironically, all of the charred letters in Luton Crofoot can be hotly re-arranged to spell: Out Of Control!

Mosquito Spraying Turns Tadpole Into Giant MegaToad

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Giant toad threatens family’s car.

West Fargo, ND – A young boy raising tadpoles for his fricking frog farm believes area mosquito sprayings caused one of his pet tadpoles to grow to Godzilla-sized proportions.

The MegaToad which the boy named Goliath is still growing and at last count stood about seven times the height of the family’s VW Beetle (see picture).

The boy and his father now believe that the chemical known as permethrin (C21H20Cl2O3) used by the Cass County Vector Control Unit is the cause of the tadpole’s unusual transformation.

The two also have reason to believe that this chemical is the exact same substance used by Norman Osborn (a.k.a. The Green Goblin) in the 2002 Spider-Man movie.

Because of this, the boy and his family are now living in protective custody via the Witless Protection Program. The father’s secret new assumed name and location is: Keedera Gowron, 35107 Stockert Hollow Road, Redmond WA.

If you notice any strange transformations in any of your pets (especially cats) or family members (especially females), please contact local city officials immediately.

Regarding the MegaToad, it is currently being housed south of town, in a large quonset building which is normally used for blimps and hot air balloons.