Tag Archives: world’s greatest dad mug

World’s Greatest Dad Mug Added to Dad Hall Of Fame

worlds_greatest_dad_mug-rb7ab8b6caef243e4aed25519a6fdf9a0_x7jgr_8byvr_512Flint, MI—The results are in! The yearly induction of fatherly memorabilia into the Dad Hall Of Fame has been decided. Executives have voted to induct the World’s Greatest Dad mug into the Dad Hall Of Fame in Flint, Michigan.

The coronation and induction ceremony was held Wednesday, November 13th so as not to interrupt any televised football, baseball or meaningful basketball games.

It was a tight race. World’s Greatest Dad mug beat out other finalist Kiss The Cook apron with a little over 60% of the vote.

Officials placed the World’s Greatest Dad mug in between a pair of cut-off jorts and a pair of Crocs with socks.