Tag Archives: painting

FMObserver Donates Valuable Work Of Art To Popular Soup Kitchen To Boost Morale

𝔽𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕝𝕪 𝔽𝕒𝕔𝕖 by Amsterdam Douglass has an appraised value of $350,000

Fargo, ND – Your FM Observer has announced plans to donate a very valuable work of art to the Second Lutheran Church soup kitchen in a magnanimous effort to boost mid-winter morale.

The soup kitchen, cleverly called “The Souper Bowl”, is located next to the Second Lutheran Church, and is one of the most popular soup kitchens this side of Dilworth.

The work of art which is being donated by the FM Observer is an infamous painting by Sir Amsterdam Douglass who recently came out of retirement just to create this masterpiece for “The Souper Bowl”.

The painting is entitled 𝔽𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕝𝕪 𝔽𝕒𝕔𝕖, which Amsterdam Douglass reportedly painted of his grandson Omar, supposedly after eating a healthy portion of magic mushrooms.

Everyone who reads this post is invited to visit “The Souper Bowl”, and see 𝔽𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕝𝕪 𝔽𝕒𝕔𝕖 up on the wall, while enjoying some mushroom soup.

Fargo Man A Dead Ringer For Leonardo Da Vinci

Davin Condelario of Fargo is often mistaken for Leonardo Da Vinci.

Fargo, ND – You may have seen him walking in and around the greater Fargo-Moorhead area while frequenting some of his favorite spots such as the library, the planetarium, and Italian restaurants.

His name is Davin Condelario and he looks exactly like Leonardo Da Vinci.

Some of his close friends call him Davin Da Fargo.

Although he gets around quite a bit, Davin leads a rather mysterious and remote existence.

Civil records show that he lives on the outskirts of town with his lovely wife Mona Lisa Condelario.

Mona says Davin has a wide variety of interests including painting, and mentioned that he once even painted a portrait of her which they now have hanging in their living room.

Amazingly, the letters in Davin Condelario can also spell Leonardo Da Vinci!

Local Couple’s Painting Worth A Half Million Destroyed By Distracted Driver

This valuable painting was completely smashed by a distracted driver texting LOL to a bad joke.

West Fargo, ND – A local couple was delightfully delighted to find out that their rummage sale painting was worth a lot of money.

Pipaluk Enoksen and his lovely wife Ivalu had brought their painting of a hummingbird to the Antique Roadshow to hopefully find out its current value.

After discoverying that the painting was a very rare one by Carl Renoir, the expert told them that their hummingbird painting was worth an estimated $500,000 at auction.

With this exciting new knowledge, Pipaluk and Ivalu Enoksen carefully put the hummingbird painting into the trunk of their car to drive home and celebrate.

Unfortunately, on the way home, the Enoksens were rear-ended by a texting distracted driver whilst stopped at a red light, completely destroying the uninsured painting, along with their hopes of retiring to the good life.

Fargo Artist Paints First-Ever Moving Picture Using Kinetic Oil Paints

The future is here: framed oil paintings that actually move on the canvas!?

Fargo, ND – Local artist Amsterdam Douglass has apparently achieved the unachievable!

This semi-famous Fargo artist, previously mostly known for his altruistic generosities, has now somehow painted an oil painting that shows actual movement on the canvas upon which it was painted and within the frame in which it is physically bordered.

When asked how he did it, Amsterdam Douglass slowly smiled, while only saying: “Kinetic Oil Paints!”

When asked what the hell are kinetic oil paints, Amsterdam Douglass slowly smiled, as he gracefully reached for his legume-flavored vape pen.

When asked about his legume-flavored vaporizer, Amsterdam Douglass slowly blew a large, thick, legume-flavored vape cloud, into which he virtually vanished via vicarious vaporization.

Very Varying Reviews On First Lady Michelle Obama’s Smithsonian Portrait

Some don’t see much of a resemblance to Michelle Obama whilst others say: Who cares?!

Painter, Virginia – After the official unveiling of Michelle Obama’s portrait for the Smithsonian Institution, debate immediately began on its likeness to the painting’s subject.

Our painting expert, Amsterdam Douglass, believes a portrait painter has a wide latitude in which to express their creative interpretation of a person or object.

“I personally love the Michelle Obama portrait, painted by Amy Sherald, who certainly has her own style, as do we all. If they wanted an exact likeness of First Lady Michelle Obama, then they should have used a photograph.”

Many others have a much differing opinion which generally goes like this: the painting is great, but should probably look very similar to the person who’s being painted.

One critic of the portrait suggested that just the face in the painting be corrected to look more like the First Lady before it is permanently institutionalized at the Smithsonian.

Newly Painted Downtown Fargo Buildings To Add Some Much Needed Color

Downtown Fargo's New 'Color My World' Project

Downtown Fargo’s Colorization Project

Fargo, ND – Peter Maxim, an NDSU student majoring in Color Psychology, has come up with a great idea to make Downtown Fargo more attractive.

During the summer, Peter’s project called “Color My World” will gradually paint all of the old buildings in historic Downtown Fargo a specific palette of vibrant colors designed to bring the whole area to life.

“Gone will be the daze of drab and boring nothing-colors which have made the downtown area about as inviting as going to a divorce counseling session,” says Peter Maxim as he ponders what colors each individual building will be painted, based on their unique location and aura.

Peter Maxim: “Think of this project as basically a giant three-dimensional paint-by-number project needing hundreds of painters to change Fargo’s entire downtown area into livable art.”

Volunteer painters who help out the Color My World project will be provided free water compliments of the Buy Dehydrated Water company located on the internet.

If you would like to help make Downtown Fargo Great Again, please contact Mr. Peter Maxim or just show up downtown with a paintbrush, some safety glasses and a ladder, if you have one.

Local Artist Unveils New Masterpiece

Masterpiece to retrieve megabucks at auction

Masterpiece by Amsterdam Douglass to reap megabucks when sold at auction.

Fargo, ND – Super Artist and Renaissance Man Amsterdam Douglass unveiled his latest masterpiece to a small group of lucky friends the other night. Amsterdam Douglass calls the work: Slice Of Life. He also indicated that some of the cash gained from its sale might be given to the Slice Of Life Foundation, which essentially is a slush fund for hungry and motivated artists to eat, sleep, and paint, on a ranch for hungry artists. Volunteers will be needed at the ranch to serve coffee and cookies. If you have a special cookie recipe, please send it on a postcard to Ms. Honey McLove, here at the home office. Please include a note about yourself and your ancestry. Jean-Pierre Sloan believes that Amsterdam Douglass is perhaps the “premiere” talent today who crosses all borders of interest, gender, and style. Bi-weekly meetings are to be held in your neighborhood for family members to share a pot-luck dish of your own creation. A “Going Green” Hoedown will bring the community together just like the old days, starting with a Meet & Greet and the filling out of name tags. Amsterdam Douglass is also signing people up for a new neighborhood newsletter which will share ideas for ways to improve our existing social infrastructure. If you would like to be interviewed for the newsletter, again, contact Ms. Honey McLove and please don’t forget to indicate which department you want. Finally, we will end with a quotation from Amsterdam Douglass himself. “Between you and me and all the rest of the freaks, tomorrow cannot be as bad as today might have been.” Don’t forget to send in your postcard(s). Also remember that some of the proceeds of the art auction could possibly go to a “good cause”.