Repetitive Phone Calls Encourage Civic Duty

I would like to publicly give a “thumbs up” and thank those people that made the multitude of repetitive phone calls to remind me to vote. Since I have been living under a rock for about a year, I have had no knowledge of the political television ads. Thanks to all these phone calls, I will remember to exercise my civic duty to get out and vote! In addition, because the rock I was living under was extraordinarily large, I didn’t notice the massive amount of paper in the form of political advertising in my mailbox. Since the rock was hard to move, I got lazy and let my mail pile up. But, thanks to all the phone calls I will now remember to vote! Thanks!!

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Jill Burns

The Boss at Whatever
Jill is an animated and crabby person happy to write on the eccentricities of the world. I like pickles, bloody marys, pickles in bloody marys, sunsets, wine, and taste-testing wine.

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