Tag Archives: crazies

New Insane Asylum For Pets Gives Families Hope

New Insane Asylum For Crazy Pets

New Insane Asylum For Crazy Pets

Sabin, Minnesota – A new animal-friendly care institution recently opened South of Moorhead.

The Sabin Observatory For Insane Animals (SOFIA) was designed to meet the special needs of pets that have gone completely crazy.

Dr. Claus Filtrum is SOFIA’s Executive Director: “We professionally design an individualized Care Plan for each insane animal.”

The bad news: The Sabin Observatory For Insane Animals currently has a long waiting list of complete lunatics waiting to get into the facility.

The good news: Expansion plans are already on the table and “in the works”.

The other good news: Treatment at SOFIA is completely “free” under ObamaCare.