Author Archives: Johnnny

About Johnnny

Contributing writer since January, 2013. I've been described by myself as a piano-playing omnivore who hates typos but loves chocolate milk in his coffee. As a Life Coach, some lessons I like to pass onto others are: 1. don't stare at strangers, especially in jail, 2. don't leave fun to find fun, 3. never pet a burning dog, 4. don't eat more than you can lift, and 5. when in doubt, jot it down. Click on any picture in my posts to see them in their full glory. All have been tweaked with either or or :o)

Top Ten Signs 2018 Might Be A Bad Year For You

And you thought 2017 was bad!

And you thought 2017 was bad!

Badlands, ND – Even though 2018 could be a very good year, here are some indications that 2018 might not be so great for you:

10. You wake up with a hangover on January 1st to the sound of jail doors slamming shut.

9. You slowly figure out that that very last text you sent last night to your BFF affectionately saying “Happy Fucking New Year!” somehow got sent to everyone in your contact list.

8. You dream you’ve been hacked only to wake up to realize that everything you own has been encrypted.

7. You take your little Shih-Tzu for a walk and realize it’s not your little Shih-Tzu.

6. You see a murder of crows quietly sitting on your deck railing, each with a sign around their necks saying “You’re Next.”

5. A large cash-on-delivery package arrives at your front door and the guy is asking for $1,480 for what’s inside Box #1!

4. After a nice, long, phone conversation with your parents, you remember they both passed away back in the 90s.

3. You see a security camera picture of yourself on the local evening news asking to immediately call the police if you see this very dangerous armed person.

2. You take your entire family to see Star Wars and realize too late you’ve mistakenly gone to see Star Whores.

1. Algore now believes we are at the start of a 10,000-year Ice Age!

FMO’s Suggested List For Your 2018 New Year’s Resolutions

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Another chance to start a new chapter!

Fargo, ND – It’s that unfortunate time of year again when everyone is frantically trying to come up with their list of New Year’s Resolutions. And once again, FMO to the rescue!

After many hours of intense focus group studies and eating glazed donuts, we have come up with our suggested list for your 2018 New Year’s Resolutions:

10. Lose more weight than you gain in 2018, unless you’re bulimic, then just the opposite.

9. Spend less time on FaceBook and more time with your face-in-a-book, perhaps @ the local library, to basically people-watch people who don’t have anywhere else to go, and nothing else to do, except look at you.

8. Periodically call the front desk of a large hotel and order room service directly to your home. When they object, then say you strenuously object to their tone of voice, and threaten to not pay your room bill.

7. Start doing some serious Christmas shopping in June and have everything wrapped up by Halloween (using a secret code system to remember what’s inside each present.)

6. Win more often when attending casinos and vow to only pick winning stocks to invest in with your monthly grocery money.

5. Take more stay-cations @ home and spend them bingeing out on the next season of all those Netflix series.

4. Learn a new hobby, such as: making weird animal sounds, start a ukulele support group, gather one-ingredient recipes into a cookbook for dummies, collect old mirrors from garage sales and strategically place them to maximize the amount of sun coming into your home.

3. At home, re-organize everything you own alphabetically and then in order by size, or vice versa.

2. Spend more time with strangers by doing volunteer work @ random places in random towns @ random times.

1. Express anger immediately so it doesn’t build up into a giant pressure cooker that blows during “fun” family getogethers.

0. Read FMObserver religiously and pray for the FMObserver writers to produce more viral content.

HAPPY NEW YEAR from the FMObserver!

Previous FMO New Year’s Resolution Guidance

Wife Divorcing Husband For Christmas Shopping At A Strip Mall

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Better think twice before shopping at a strip mall!

Fargo, ND – A Fargo woman is filing for divorce after finding out her husband was doing some “Christmas shopping” at a strip mall.

Maxine Garrison said she was driving by a local “strip mall” when she allegedly saw her husband walk into that strip mall. “I couldn’t believe my eyes. So I called my husband on his cell phone. When he said he was still at work, I knew something was up.”

Mr. Lewis T. Garrison later tried to explain in vain that he was just out doing some last minute Christmas shopping for his lovely wife and also wanted to pick out a nice card from the Hallmark store for his wife of 19 years. However, divorce papers have already been filed and the matter is now headed for the dreaded Divorce Court.

Maxine Garrison warns: “If husbands think it’s just OK to go spend time in some seedy strip mall, especially just before Christmas, then they damn well better be ready to lawyer up!”

FMO’s Dr. Willy Nilly Announces He’s Permanently Moving To Brazille

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Dr. Willy Nilly Moving 2 Brazilly

Rio de Janeiro, Braziliana – Our long-time friend and consultant, Dr. Willy Nilly, who’s been helping out the FM Observer for many moons, has finally decided to call it quits and move on into the next chapter of his postcocious life!

Dr. Willy Nilly’s Official Statement:

My time working with this crazy FM Observer funsite, which has almost been the best part of my life, so far, will sadly soon be coming to a end. The next phase of my life will be spent down in Brazille. Leaves have fallen all around, and it’s time I was on my way. Thanks to you, I’m much obliged for such a pleasant stay. But now it’s time for me to go. The winter moon lights my way. For now I smell the snow, it’s time to go, and I need to leave Fargo. Sometimes I grow so tired, but I know I’ve got one thing I got to do: Ramble On! And now’s the time, the time is now, to sing my song! I’m going around the world, I got to find my girl, on my way. I’ve been this way ten years to the day, Ramble On! Gotta find the Queen of all my dreams. Got no time for spreadin’ roots. The time has come to be gone. And to our health we drank a thousand times, it’s time to Ramble On! Ramble On! And now’s the time, the time is now, to sing my song. I’m goin’ down to Brazille, I got to find my girl. So, I’ll be on my way. Good bye, FM Observer!

Dr. Willy Nilly’s FMO Posts:

Ticks Are Bad For WE Fest

Basic Crash Course On Phlebitis

Jamestown Man Goes Crazy While Looking At Himself In The Mirror Too Long

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I’m looking at the man in the mirror.

Jamestown, ND – Have you ever looked at your self in the mirror long enough so that you forgot you were looking at a reflection? Mirrorologists call this magical moment the Mind Snap Moment, named after Dr. Leonard Mind Snap, who once reported that: “This is the moment when you suddenly think you’re looking at another person instead of your own reflection.”

A Jamestown man, who shall remain anonymous (Lonny Frackenbush), just recently encountered the Mind Snap Moment while looking into his bathroom mirror way too long. Hallucinations of indoor snow and uninvited in-laws began joining him during his 10-hour starefest into his bathroom vanity. Dr. Mind Snap once said: “Mirrors should come with warning labels.” It’s just too bad that Lonny Frackenbush didn’t read this post soon enough.

Santa’s Deliveries In Jeopardy As Rudolph Has Chronic Wasting Disease

Rudolph is sick and Santa has irritable bowel syndrome.

Rudolph is sick with Chronic Wasted Disease as is evidenced by the dark spots on his ears, antlers, and nose.

North Pole, Alaska – Christmas authorities are expressing serious concern over a recent report from SantaLand that Rudolph is suffering from the dreaded Chronic Wasting Disease.

Tis believed that Rudolph may have contracted this often fatal disease while partying with an outside herd at the Extreme Reindeer Games in Asspen, Colocado.

A snowy Santa spokeself sadly said that “Rudolph has been acting much like a couch potato lately, just laying around all the time, munching on Pringles Sour Cream Potato Chips and watching endless reruns of the Twilight Zone.”

As such, hundreds of the “nice” children around the world may not be getting any presents delivered from the real Santa this Christmas.

Of course, all the “naughty” children wouldn’t have gotten anything anyway so this doesn’t really affect them, now, does it?

First Annual Plastic Surgery Beauty Pageant To Crown Miss Plastic America

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Tune in to see who will win the right to wear the crown of Miss Plastic America!

Beauty, Kentucky – This is the event for which many have been waiting a long time.

The 1st Annual Miss Plastic America Contest will soon have the most “beautiful” plastic surgery victims descend upon Beauty, Kentucky from each of the 57 states in the nation.

Each contestant will be vying for the right to wear the coveted Miss Plastic Surgery of America crown for an entire year.

Judges will be looking for the extreme magnitude of their botched plastic surgery as well as the confidence each participant carries while walking in an evening gown, a swimsuit, and green hospital scrubs.

The winner will receive $100,000 of free additional plastic surgery, a Hollywood-style mirror, a cover story on Plastic People magazine, the envy and admiration of the entire plastic surgery community, along with some other crap donated by various companies trying to get some cheap advertising.

Last Sane People On Earth Now Starting To Lose Their Minds

Let's just try to "hold it together" for a little longer.

Let’s just try to “hold it together” for a little longer, okay?

Valentine, NE – Up until now, the last two sane people living in this insane world were Charles and Beverly Landstrum from Valentine, Nebraska.

But now, unfortunately, the Landstrums have begun to show signs that they too are starting to “lose it”.

When asked for comment, Beverly stated: “Well, I certainly thought I ordered two sour creams from the milk man but unless there was maybe some sort of problem with our Christmas tree being too short we may want to try out for Wheel Of Fortune.”

Charles then stepped in to clarify: “My mother used to make us fresh cookies every Saturday but I wanted to watch cartoons instead. So, can we watch some cartoons now?”

At this time, top federal investigators are unwilling to classify the Landstrums as crazy until they have had much more time to determine whether or not they fall into the strict federal definition of insane.

Tax On Christmas Trees To Go Directly To Obama Retirement Fund

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Triple the cost = Triple the joy

Christmas, FL – It’s about that time of year again to go buy a Christmas tree for your ho-ho-home.

Most of Santa’s helpers will be purchasing a real tree, that died for your sins.

Others will be bringing home an artificial tree made from unknown toxic chemicals in some polluted Chinese factory.

Either way, expect the final cost of your Christmas tree to be tripled thanks to President Obama’s Christmas Tree Tax.

Here’s how it works: Let’s say for example, a Christmas tree that normally would have cost $50 will now only cost you a mere $150.

In the name of Climate Change, this past executive order by former President Obama will provide him and his family a nice, much-needed, and much-deserved Christmas bonus each and every Christmas for the rest of their lives.

Google’s New 3-D Printer Can Print An Edible Roasted Turkey

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If eating is believing, then try this!

Turkeyfoot, PA – Leave it to Google to take 3-D printing to the next level.

After some Germans were able to first print edible gummy bears with a 3-D printer, Google has now perfected the ability to 3-D print a ready-to-eat, hot, roasted turkey, just like the one grandma used to pull out of the oven for Thanksgiving.

University of Pennsylvania’s Senior Fellow, Dr. Walter Vonderpluke has been heading up the turkey testing for Google’s 3-D Printing Division: “In my opinion, this Google turkey is very succulent and quite delectable. In a word, ambrosia! To be honest, I cannot believe it was printed with a 3-D printer.”

For those who already own a 3-D printer, simply download the free Google Turkey App and hit the Start button. You and your family will have a beautiful, ready-to-carve, 16 pound Thanksgiving turkey in about 18 minutes.

For those who do not already own a 3-D printer, Santa has been notified.