Category Archives: National

New Barcode Causing Nausea & Vertigo

ILLUSION3Barco, NC – The international governing body for barcodes recently unveiled its latest 21st century technology. However, many unprepared shoppers and store workers are already having some serious problems when seeing the new product ID images. Numerous instances of severe dizziness and stomach sickness have been reported to store managers. (Click on the image at the top left of this article, if you dare, to see if you are one of those affected.)

The original barcodes, which were represented by varying widths and spaces of parallel lines, were one-dimensional. Most people don’t know (or care) that the first “bar” codes were inspired by the obsolete Morse Code system used back in the old cowboy telegraph days. Then, two-dimensional product codes came along which appeared like funky geometric patterns.

Barcode-ologist, Neil Brownie of the Pugh Research Center, said that these new 3-D universal product codes were designed for machines, not people. “We are telling people to not look at these barcodes, unless you possibly want to experience a sensation of light-headedness and a feeling of being ‘spaced out’, which many teenagers these days are seeking. We have even seen some older folks lose their balance and fall over while shopping due to the imbalance and unsteadiness caused by looking at these new product codes.”

Dr. Melvin McNoodle has spent his entire life studying the phenomenon of Visual Dizziness. As he sat in his seemingly spinning office during a challenging interview, he explained that “the eyes intermittently send confused impulses to the brain, which then sends out equally confusing orders to the muscle groups in the body, which in turn can cause vertigo, sweating, nausea, vomiting, and slurred speech…much like going out on a first date with the girl of your dreams.”

In the name of technological advancements, shop with caution from now on, lest you should unexpectedly come upon one of these new 3-D barcodes from hell, and possibly end up on your back in some spinning hospital room.

{For more information on this important subject, Google the word: Nystagmus}

Actors Claiming Nations

Celebrities Claiming Nations

Actors Claiming NationsIt seems to be, in order to be a successful celebrity, you must join the elite ranks of other celebrities and start claiming nations.  You are not considered a gifted celebrity unless you do so and you are certainly not part of the ‘special club.’

Sean Penn has claimed Haiti.  Ben Afflek has since claimed the Congo.  Angelina scoops up and claims any UN mission areas.  Leonardo DiCaprio has claimed Mozambique.  Madonna has claimed Malawi.

Just recently there was one of those high-roller poker games and they all put the various causes in a hat and each elite actor picked one. Sean Penn was pissed and tried to trade Haiti for Thailand but the group voted no.

Brad Pitt, Angelia Jolie, and Sean Penn have have been in a ruffle and tuffle as of late.  Sean Penn looks to claim all land including oceans outside of the United States.  Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie sees this as Penn intruding on their territory and would not want to have to pay Penn a ‘finders fee’ for any child they may adopt in the future.

A phone call to Penn has gone unanswered but we believe the dispute has not been resolved as of yet.

One Million Moms Sucks

One Million Moms Group Wants Kmart’s ‘Ship My Pants’ Commercial Pulled From The Air

One Million Moms SucksThe every so annoying One Million Moms Group, decided they still lead pathetic lives and needed something to bitch about.  This time around its Kmart’s new ‘Ship My Pants’ commercial.

This pathetic group wants Kmarts ‘Ship My Pants’ commercial pulled off the air because it suggests people are shitting their pants.

The group, One Million Moms (OMM), wrote on its website that the ad is “disgusting” and “ridiculous” and “should be pulled off the air immediately.”

I here at the FM Observer suggest to you One Million Moms (OMM) to maybe look back at your own lives because surely you have shit your own pants at one point in time.  Lifes to short to hate OMM, you dirty pant shitters.  Are you jealous of pant shitters?  Did poopy pants scar your weak petty minds at one point?  What is it that you have any poopy pants?  Weirdos.


Anyways, Congratulations Kmart for providing us sane and normal people with a very funny commercial.

Researchers Uncover Guaranteed Method to Extend Smartphone Battery Life

"Foot did you say? Corn you hear me now?"

“Foot did you say? Corn you hear me now?”

Palo Alto, CA – Stanford University researchers have been conducting top-secret experiments in an effort to dramatically increase day-to-day smartphone battery longevity.

Scientific trials have been performed on lithium-ion batteries and how they precisely integrate with microcomputer hardware, varying from average usage as well as hipster “data junkie” interaction.

Scientists placed gleeful volunteer participants in a locked room with various models of smartphone for specified periods of time. They tested different operating systems (Android, iOS, Windows) in different climates (hot & humid/frigid/room temperature) using varied test subjects (hipsters, teenage girls, the elderly) with both regular-sized batteries and extended-life batteries.

These variables all served the experiment well, but there was one determining factor that made the biggest impact.

The institution’s findings will blow you away. Researchers concluded that the only true method to increase day-to-day longevity of your device is to—get this—use it less. Stanford University Science and Technology researcher Robert Jacobs explains:

“You can attach a charging case to the device or slap a beefed-up battery in your Android or Windows phone hardware if you want to, but both methods are still at risk for technological failure. A sudden glitch in the coding or equipment malfunction, for example. The only 100% guaranteed method of extending battery life is to put the device down and have a serious conversation with a person next to you. Don’t use it as much. Connect on an interpersonal level, not a digital one.”

As if! As if we need a renowned scientific institution to tell us to put our phones down and live our lives! We’re perfectly content with our internet addiction. We are NOT hyperconnected data junkies.

Human Assault Weapon

Ban On Human Assault Weapons


Human Assault WeaponDue to the large number of incidents involving human beings using weapons to kill other human beings there will now be a ban on being a human being.

The state department released a report to Congress recommending a background check on all humans and will be closing all private birthing loop holes.

Also in the report, a call to expand prison systems to accommodate all human assault weapons.  It also suggested offering fifty bucks for voluntary submissions of any human assault weapons.



Call of Duty

Infinity Ward To Release Call Of Duty 5,6,7, and 8 All Next Month

Call of DutyEncino, CA – Due to the recent problems within the company, Infinity Ward looks to release multiple call of duties all next month.

Infinity Ward has had quite a few internal problems lately.  Their first slick move was on March 1, 2010 where they fired Jason West (Infinity Ward president, and CTO) and Vince Zampella (CEO and co-founder of Infinity Ward).  What followed that were multiple lawsuits.  Lastly and most recently was the departure of Robert Bowling in 2012.

Infinity Ward knows its subscriber base.  They will literally buy anything.  With that, Infinity Ward looks to release Call of Duty 5, Call of Duty 6, Call of Duty 7, and Call of Duty 8 all next month.

Fans of the series also have exclusive access to purchase seasons passes for each and every title for the low cost of 1500 Microsoft points per game.  Each season pass will consist of multiplayer maps from all previous Call of Duty series that you already probably bought.

With these releases, Infinity Ward hopes it will keep their fans busy so they may focus on releasing Call of Duty 9 the month after.

Colorado: Violent Crime Down 400% Since Marijuana Legalization

pipes not knives!

Pipes, not knives! Bongs, not guns!

Denver, CO – First quarter 2013 crime statistics are officially in from the Mile High City, and things are looking up. Violent crime has taken a nose dive compared to past years. Crimes of passion and hate have seen a record downturn, plummeting more than 400% during the first 3 months of this year.

It would appear that Denver county is making a peaceful name for itself after legalizing personal amounts of Sticky Green Leaf.

Dude, woah, like, nobody has been robbing or hurting anybody for like ever (or at least since everybody’s been puffing tough). With the ease of access to buds, more and more would-be criminals are kicking back, trading in their guns for pipes. They’re busy snacking on pot brownies instead of stabbing for crack rocks.

Maaaan, the sitch in D-town has gotten, like, so chill. It’s rad. Peace and love, yo! Peeps are buying bongs instead of guns and filling them full of hippie lettuce instead of bullets. Word. Flower power! The proliferation of pipes has led to the sudden reduction in crime, stoner statistics say. Did you just see that, maaaan? Like, the numbers went waaaaay down all of a sudden! Whoooaaaa.

If these trends continue, Denver police are going to gain a serious advantage over violent crime. Hey bro, they might even, like, completely stop it from, like, happening and junk. Far out!

Government Program Ends After Goal Somehow Met

Washington, DC—To the shock and utter disbelief of many, a government program has officially called it quits.

The initiative, said to help, prevent and raise awareness of its cause, has gone the way of extinction now that actual physical need has completely subsided.

Program offices around the country boarded up shop last week, seemingly out of nowhere.

A completely bewildered spokeswoman explains:

“There is no longer a need for our program. The less-fortunate have learned from their woes and quit asking for free handouts, so we’ve simply stopped giving them out. This move is unprecedented as we never predicted that the need for our service or any government-provided service could or would terminate, especially in the 21st century.”

Thousands of government workers across the nation are now left without jobs and unfortunately, without pension plans to back them up as their budget subsidies are being taken off the books and usurped by other national organizations.

Shell-shocked by this liberal agenda’s untimely demise, Washington-led officials are left shrugging their shoulders and scratching their heads, wondering what went right.

VooDoo Sun Doctor To Fix Global Warming

SUNBALLERpx1Alice Springs, Australia – A young VooDoo priest who calls himself Legba (pronounced Leg-Ba) claims he can actually help Planet Earth with its global warming “fever”.

Mr. Legba has apparently done some incredible things involving the sun in his native northern Australian backwoods area.

His fellow tribesmen, from the aborigine group known as Walwallie, claim this VooDoo superstar was born with some very special powers to affect and control the sun’s energy and temperament.

Legend has it, that on the day Legba was born, there was both a total solar eclipse and a region-wide power outage which affected most of Australia.

This gifted aboriginal Australian VooDoo medicine man has now caught the attention of the US-led global warming alarmists. There is talk that Legba will soon become the first-ever U.S. VooDoo Czar.

He and his support staff will possibly be working with a group of Scientologists and a new government agency call the CCC: The Center for Climate Control.

Their funding for this important project will come from a new global warming tax, along with the proceeds from an upcoming movie called “Can Legba Save Planet Earth?”, in which Legba will play himself.

Speaking through a translator, Legba, whose native language is Andakerebina, would like everyone to know that 1. “VooDoo works”, and 2. “Now is the time to act and the time to act is now.”

Legba, and his lovely wife Ayezan, will temporarily be staying in a comfortable two-room hut in the White House Rose Garden, until more permanent hutting can be provided for them.

NASCAR to Implement Performance Enhancing Chemical Testing



Charlotte, NC – Our sporting era is one of constant concern and worry stemming from PED use and the speculation regarding which athlete is cheating and which isn’t. With only one out of the big 3 professional sports organizations (MLB) currently conducting a sensible PED testing program, the use of chemical supplements is thought to be at an all-time high.

This has NASCAR executives worried. Worried not so much about the drivers, but of the cars themselves. Basically, the nation as a whole is very curious as to why Jimmie Johnson finishes in the top five, like, all the time, so NASCAR fans and executives alike have been pushing to implement vehicle Performance-Enhancing Chemical (PEC) testing.

Now that NASCAR has developed what they call a “mission-appropriate testing system that won’t disrupt the flow of races too much”, the in-race screening will take place effective immediately. PEC testing will happen only during races, completely at random, as a means to bust illegally juiced-up cars.

Each pit crew will contain a NASCAR official who will execute quick and efficient PEC tests on vehicles during pit stops. He or she will test for helium in the tires, Red Bull in the fuel tank, SuperCOOL engine coolant, galvanized-lithium lugnuts, etc.

The PEC official will be aggressively pursuing these performance enhancers and many others—all of which are both highly effective and highly illegal. Any vehicle that is caught “juicing” will be handed down a swift punishment that is likely to involve driver suspension.

NASCAR hopes this will level the playing field for all the drivers and their respective vehicles. We will see if Jimmie Johnson is just that good or if his Lowe’s #48 has been crushing PECs.