Tag Archives: church

Executive Directors Named For Fargo’s New Combo Church/Hospital

At the new Amen Church Hospital is where religion and healthcare meet.

Fargo, ND – The new Amen Church Hospital has named Peter and Paul Christianson as executive directors as the project moves forward toward final fruition.

The Amen Church Hospital will be the first of its kind in the nation: A fully functioning hospital which also has all the normal underpinnings of a full-blown church.

The new co-executive directors are two brothers, each of whom are both pastors and physicians, as were each of their parents.

Peter and Paul Christianson explain it like this: “What could be better than having full communion with your entire congregation while you are literally being prepared for a colonoscopy during the Lord’s Prayer?”

If you would like to attend the Amen Church Hospital, please show up for either the church worship service or get admitted to the hospital, which are basically one in the same.

FMObserver Donates Valuable Work Of Art To Popular Soup Kitchen To Boost Morale

π”½π•£π•šπ•–π•Ÿπ••π•π•ͺ 𝔽𝕒𝕔𝕖 by Amsterdam Douglass has an appraised value of $350,000

Fargo, ND – Your FM Observer has announced plans to donate a very valuable work of art to the Second Lutheran Church soup kitchen in a magnanimous effort to boost mid-winter morale.

The soup kitchen, cleverly called “The Souper Bowl”, is located next to the Second Lutheran Church, and is one of the most popular soup kitchens this side of Dilworth.

The work of art which is being donated by the FM Observer is an infamous painting by Sir Amsterdam Douglass who recently came out of retirement just to create this masterpiece for “The Souper Bowl”.

The painting is entitled π”½π•£π•šπ•–π•Ÿπ••π•π•ͺ 𝔽𝕒𝕔𝕖, which Amsterdam Douglass reportedly painted of his grandson Omar, supposedly after eating a healthy portion of magic mushrooms.

Everyone who reads this post is invited to visit “The Souper Bowl”, and see π”½π•£π•šπ•–π•Ÿπ••π•π•ͺ 𝔽𝕒𝕔𝕖 up on the wall, while enjoying some mushroom soup.

Critics Saying Joker Movie One Of The Best Family-Friendly Comedies Since Caddyshack

Joaquin Phoenix may have a future as a stand-up comedian after this movie!

Gotham City, NJ – Critical feedback of the new Joker movie is giving it many thumbs up.

Here are what some of our favorite movie critic friends are saying about Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker movie:

Luther Frack: This new Joker movie is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen mainly because the audience is treated to lots of great jokes.

Clarke Furth: Not only is Joker totally family friendly like Halloween but I believe it should be shown in school to kids of all ages from kindergarten on up.

Ruth Fackler: Joker is by far the best movie since The Sound Of Music. It is guaranteed to make you smile and put on a happy face.

Lerch Furtak: Major thumbs way up for Joker. Not only does is remind us that life is a comedy but it also brings awareness to mental illness just like the movie Caddyshack did.

Erhart Fluck: I would rank this Joker movie as a must see movie for all ages. I just might begin my own joke diary after enjoying this total jokefest of a movie.

Relf Kutchar: My entire family loved this charming movie which is also being applauded by many church groups who are finding it a total inspiration to live a better life.

Critically, all of the letters in each of the above critic’s names can be re-arranged to spell: Arthur Fleck!

National Lutheran Church To Become Bird Sanctuary Denomination

Many Lutheran church sanctuaries will soon be filling up with birds.

Dulutheran, MN – The Angelical Lutheran Church Of America (ALCOA) announced that it will become the denomination that opens its sanctuary doors up to any and all types of birds.

Ms. Rose Grosbeak is the spokeswoman for ALCOA: “Each church sanctuary will be opened up as a safe-haven bird sanctuary for migrating birds who perhaps need temporary or permanent shelter.”

Ms. Grosbeak explains that architecturally, most Lutheran church sanctuaries have a lot of interior height which will help provide the birds ample room to fly around in, while using the offering plates up on the main alters as feeding stations.

Various Lutheran member groups will be making bird nests along with cute little painted bird houses for the many different types of birds that are expected to take advantage of the new Lutheran bird sanctuary pronouncement.

New Church Giving Whole Bottle Of Wine With Communion To Attract New Members

Each member gets a loaf of bread and a full bottle of wine during communion service.

West Fargo, ND – In an effort to attract and keep new members, the Church Of Bountiful Grace is offering each member a full bottle of wine along with a full loaf of bread at every communion service.

Pastor Loften Wibeto says the Holy Spirits spoke to him with this idea to provide communion participants a full bottle of wine and a warm loaf of bread during each Last Supper, which is celebrated weekly at the Church Of Bountiful Grace.

“In the Book of Psalms, God tells us that wine was created to gladden our hearts,” says Pastor Wibeto as he sips a nice Merlot while writing his next sermon, which is on the subject of spiritual fermentation.

Prayerfully, all of the letters in Loften Wibeto can be re-arranged to spell: Bottle Of Wine!

FMO Considering Selling Prayer Pillows To Help Fund Reader Appreciation Parties

Rest your head on a prayer!

Fargo, ND – Your FM Observer understands the importance of saying a bedtime prayer each and every night before retiring to dreamland.Β In fact, we believe this has been a big reason why we’ve been so successful at being a non-profit corporation.Β Things really started to turn around after hiring two full-time chaplains to help guide us spiritually and emotionally through our daily work lives.

To help us give back to our community, we’re considering selling FM Observer Prayer Pillows for the nominal fee of $150 each, which will go directly into our Party Fund.

To maximize your personal prayer power, here are five wonderful choices of prayers for your FMO Prayer Pillow,Β each one thoughtfully co-written by our two chaplains, Tempie Sadberry and Demetria Presby:

Now I lay me down to rest
After surviving yet another test
Tomorrow will bring more work and play
Hopefully, I’ll make it through another day

Now I crawl into my bed
With lots of thoughts up in my head
If I can’t somehow fall asleep
I’ll take some Xanax and count some sheep

As today is now terminating
Another night is germinating
Hopefully tomorrow will bring good weather
And I can somehow get my shit together

Back in my bedroom once again
Laying in bed, listening to my fan
To wake, I’ve set my digital clock
For protection, I have a loaded glock

Now I lay down on my back
Hoping I don’t have a heart attack
Or suffer a thrombotic stroke
About these things I’ll never joke

Prayerfully, all the letters in both “Tempie Sadberry” and “Demetria Presby” can be re-arranged to spell: Bed-time Prayers!

Grade School Goes Into Emergency Lockdown When Catholic Priest Tries To Enter The Building

St. Peter Elementary School attacked by devilish Catholic priest.

Devils Elbow, Missouri – After seeing a Catholic priest trying to gain access to their grade school, St. Peter Elementary School went into full emergency lock-down to protect the children inside.

In the wake of The Pope’s recent comments that The Devil was to blame for all of the Catholic Church’s pervasive sexual abuse problems, it was very unnerving to see a robed Catholic priest trying to enter the school, according to all inside the building.

A middle-aged priest named Father Lucifer Hades, who was wearing an all-red robe and cap, continually tried to enter the school through each and every door while carrying and fondling his rosary, resulting in screaming children every time he gazed into a window.

One extremely distraught teacher who witnessed the attack said: “I have never been so afraid in all my life. We told all the kids to shelter in place while we called 9-1-1.”

Many Now See The Catholic Church As Institutionalized Pedophilia

Maybe not allowing Catholic priests to marry wasn’t such a great idea after all.

Vaticano – After endless stories of sexual abuse gradually see the light of day, many people, when they now think of the Catholic Church, primarily see it as an institution cloaked with chronic, criminal, pedophiliac activities.

To make matters worse, if that’s even possible, is that many of the abusive Catholic leaders threatened their young and innocent victims with eternal damnation if they ever spoke of the evil inflicted upon them by these supposedly godly men.

It seems the ones who should be worried about eternal damnation are the priests, bishops, archbishops, and cardinals who chose to “exercise their authority” in ways that normally would get one sent to prison for life.

If all the perpetrators involved are planning on avoiding any serious punishment by saying their sins are simply forgiven, then too, those who may inflict severe corporal punishment on them will also have their sins forgiven.

Profanity OK At Holy Crap Church

At Holy Crap Church you can swear on a stack of Bibles.

Holyoke, Colorado – At Holy Crap Church, members and guests are encouraged to just be themselves.

If you like to swear a lot, then Holy Crap Church is for you.

The head pastor at Holy Crap Church is Rev. Ralph Coy.

Reverend Ralph believes the Church should accept us for who we are, exactly as is, just like you are when you’re not at Church.

“If profanity is apart of how you express yourself, then that’s fine here,” preaches Pastor Coy.

“Just because you swear your head off at Church doesn’t mean you’re going to hell in a hand basket.”

Ironically, all the letters in Ralph Coy can be re-arranged to spell: Holy Crap!

Top Ten Questions To Ask Family, In-Laws, and Relatives During Christmas

To make church signs like this, use the link at the bottom of this post.

West Fargo, ND During your family getogethers with in-laws, relatives, and other extended family members, it is not only a good time to share handshakes and hugs in order to pass your cold and flu germs on to others, but it is also a perfect opportunity to throw out a few key questions to your Christmas group in order to check the general Zeitgeist of where everyone’s at regarding some of the current issues from the past few months.

Even tho your FM Observers are busy, out doing some last minute shopping at Happy Harry, we’ve taken the time to compile an easy-to-use list of questions to randomly throw out during times when the Christmastime conversations may hit a lull.

Top Ten Questions To Ask During Christmas:

10. What’s the latest on the Russian Collusion?
9. How many My Pillows do you have?
8. Have you ever heard of the FM Observer?
7. Are you for Global Warming or Global Cooling?
6. Whatever happened to Anthony’s Weiner?
5. How do you feel about the Red River Diversion project?
4. Do you think Carson Wentz will marry Cara Mund?
3. Did you hear who’s the latest guy accused of groping?
2. Can I have your pudding?
1. Isn’t President Trump doing a great job?!

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